Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Warm-Up 3

Warm-Up 3 is all about turning informal, spoken language into formal, written language. The prompt is the kind of thing a health-and-safety officer might say when he's on a site visit, but the written version of his recommendations will use different grammatical structures and different words.

Remember that you've only got FIVE sentences to produce - you don't need to write the entire report.


  1. In Sweden there is a law called working environmental law, which are rules on the obligations of employers and other security officers on the prevention of ill health and accidents at work. Unless this law is followed strictly, your company may be forced to close down.

    There are several things that are governed by this Act, for instance, all workers in your industry must use hardhats; the hardhats is part of the work clothes and must be worn as soon as someone is entering the site unless they are wearing an approved safety helmet.

    Even though the noise level in the site is reasonable, workers should use ear protectors.

  2. Carlo Vercelli5 April 2010 at 18:50

    Work site report

    Dear sir,

    Due to Swedish rules and legislation the work site and way of working has gotten remarks that have to be seen to.

    Due to the high risk of drops and the many sharp angles the workers need to wear work boots with toecaps and reinforced soles and hardhats needs to be provided to everyone who is to enter the work site, preferably with built in ear muffs to muffle the noise.

    When building above ground level fences and barriers are required to prevent anyone from falling down hurting themselves.

    Three of the diggers and one dumper truck have expired test certifications and it was demanded that they would be re-tested at a test station before being put into use again. It was also suggested that they were to be checked by a certified mechanic as well due to hydraulic leaks.

    Yours faithfully,

    Carlo Vercelli

  3. Maria Nycander6 April 2010 at 00:54

    “In Sweden we have rules and regalements that we are required to follow. We need you to resolve these problems as soon as possible otherwise we don’t have any option then to close you down”

    While on site, approved safety helmet is a requirement.

    “Exposure to excessive noise can damage hearing, therefore helmets with built-in ear muffs and a mesh to cover the face is important for protection”

    “It’s vital that that you have fences and safety barriers of the proper height everywhere you start building above ground level. We expect you to follow these guidelines as it is required by the Swedish Safety Board”

    “Trainers are not an appropriate shoe while on site. They handle a lot of heavy material and there are boards with nails on the ground, make sure you provide them with boots which have reinforced soles and toecaps”

  4. Emelie Carlsson6 April 2010 at 02:06


    April 5, 2010

    Dear Sir:

    In Sweden there is a law which prevents accidents and ill health for employees at work. The Health and Safety inspector have found some failings on your company’s site and your company may be forced to close down.

    Everyone on the site needs to wear approved safety helmets and the workers also need to wear ear protectors, to protect them from the noise level on the site. This problem can be solved with safety helmets equipped with built-in ear muffs.

    There has to be safety barriers on the site and some of the vehicle has to be checked by an authorised mechanic since the test certificate has run out, these measures can prevent workers to heart themselves.

    Emelie Carlsson

  5. Elna Mårtensson6 April 2010 at 07:12

    According to Swedish legislation, the following rules must be followed at all times within the construction site:

    Work boots with reinforced soles and toecaps must be worn by all construction staff.

    An approved safety helmet must be worn by all staff on the construction site. For work in noisy and dirty environment, helmets with built-in ear muffs and a mesh should be used.

    Visitors not wearing an approved helmet will be denied admittance to the site.

    For construction work above ground level, fences and safety barriers complying with Swedish building law regulations must be in place before any construction work can begin.

    Only construction equipment with a valid test certificate may be used. Any equipment that does not hold this certification must be removed immediately.

  6. Dear David!

    It seems like the course timetable has been changed to autumn 2010. Is there any other way to see the due dates for spring of 2010 or has that info been deleted?

    Sincerely, Aida

  7. Warm-up 3

    The building site has to adapt to Swedish rules and regulations regarding safety.
    The consequence of not adapting to Swedish conditions are closing of the building site.

    Security helmets are compulsory to wear in Swedish building sites.
    Everybody within the site has to wear an helmet, otherwise they are not permitted inside the premises.

    The excavators used also need to be serviced by an authorised workshop, since they appear
    to have severe leakage in the hydraulic systems.

    /Ylva Dungelid

  8. Regarding the Health and Safety Executive in Sweden, the following rules and regulations must be followed. If you refuse or do not follow these regulations your company will be shut down.

    Without a certified safety helmet no one is allowed to enter the construction site. Trainers are strictly forbidden within the construction site. Work boots with supplied reinforced soles and toecaps are approved.

  9. Regarding the Health and Safety Executive in Sweden, the following rules and regulations must be followed. If you refuse or do not follow these regulations your company will be shut down.

    Without a certified safety helmet no one is allowed to enter the construction site. Trainers are strictly forbidden within the construction site. Work boots with supplied reinforced soles and toecaps are approved

  10. A recent health and safety inspection at the building site of Kalmar Exhibition Centre has indicated a number of inadequacies in the working environment at the site.

    Approved hardhats are compulsory to everyone entering the building site, and must be worn by workers at all times when on site.

    Ear protectors are recommended to be worn due to noisy environments, and authorities advice the use of helmets with built-in ear muffs and a mesh for covering the face, preventing injuries to eyes and skin.

    Fences and safety barriers of adequate height are required for all construction work performed above ground level.

    Appropriate work boots, with reinforced soles and toecaps must be worn by contractors to prevent foot-injuries.

    Valid test certificates must be issued to all construction machinery before they are taken into use.

  11. Lina Englund

    In Sweden there are rules and regulations, which are different from the ones in China, and if we do not succeed in making the necessary changes, the Health and Safety Inspector will have our building site closed down.

    A building site is a hazardous environment where the workers are exposed to heavy lifting, high noise levels, dust and a high risk of stepping on sharp objects, as well as getting injured by falling objects. In order to protect our workers from work related injuries, they need to be wearing appropriate work boots, with reinforced soles and toecaps, as well as approved safety helmets.

    Considering the dust and the high noise level, the most efficient way to protect our workers is by providing safety helmets with built-in earmuffs and face shield, as a matter of fact, anyone stepping foot on the work site need to be wearing a safety helmet, which means that we need to provide helmets for all visitors.

    Another strict safety procedure is placement of fences and safety barriers, of the proper height, around any building site above ground level.

  12. Sylvain CELAIRE7 April 2010 at 15:10

    After the visit from the Health and Safety Executive we have been expressly requested to follow the safety rules and regulations on the construction site, or the authorities will close it.

    Different problems have been pointed out considering the risks related to the work environment, all workers need to wear appropriate work boots to prevent foot injuries on the work site.

    Also, rules oblige everybody to wear an approved safety helmet on the site. We have been advised to provide models with integrated earmuffs and mesh to guarantee an all in one solution for the protection of ears and eyes.

    Very strict rules apply on fences and safety barriers, thereby we have to make sure that everywhere we build, above ground level, protections of the proper height are installed.

    To finish we have been obliged to stop using three diggers and a dumper truck due to the expiration of their test certificates and we are strongly encouraged to realize the checks and tests by an authorized mechanic otherwise we will not be allowed to use them anymore.

  13. In order to comply with Swedish Health and Safety regulations at the workplace, we have been advised to make a number of changes to the working conditions at the building site in Kalmar. Failure to implement these changes will result in the closing of the site and hence delay the completion of our new exhibition centre.

    One major problem pointed out by the Health and Safety Executive concerns the footwear worn at the construction site, and we are in breach with regulations by allowing our employees to wear trainers rather than boots with reinforced soles and toecaps.

    Regarding the use of hard-hats at the site, which at the moment is optional, we have been informed that it is mandatory for anyone present at a building site in Sweden to wear an approved helmet, and failure to comply with this regulation is taken very seriously by the Swedish Health and Safety Board.

    Another recommendation made by the Health and Safety Executive was that we provide our workers with ear protectors due to the noise level on-site.

  14. Kim Hartman Åstrand8 April 2010 at 06:26

    After an inspection at the exhibition center in Kalmar we have found several safety issues that must be corrected in order to provide a safe and healthy working environment.

    First, the certificate of three diggers is running out and you must quit using these machines immediately and test them as appropriately. Also, the trainers that your workers are wearing are not sufficient to protect them from falling objects or nails in the ground. Hardhats are compulsory work wear and must be used at the workplace at all times.

    Another concern is the noise at the workplace. Built-in ear muffs and mesh to cover the face should be mandatory to protect the workers from negative long-term effects. The fences and safety barriers must also be overlooked to ensure that injuries can be avoided at all time.

  15. Dear Mr Lee

    A visit from the Health and Safety Executive showed a number of lackings in both material and equipment on the construction site that cannot be disregarded by Swedish law.

    You need to provide your employees with proper equipment so that they can implement their job in a correct and safe way, such as proper shoes, helmets and clothes.

    When building above ground level you must install stable fences and safety barriers to assure that your employees are safe while working.

    During the inspection we found a number of machines with some serious faults such as unrenewed permits and technical problems that require immediate repair or otherwise they will be taken out of service.

    You need to get these problems sorted out, otherwise we will be forced to shut the construction site down.

  16. Alexander Anvedahl8 April 2010 at 13:55

    Dear Sir,

    In Sweden there are strict rules and laws that must be followed by those who are in charge of a building site. Our building site in Kalmar has been checked by an inspector and he had a lot of complaining of how the security was handled on the site.

    The workers need to have good security equipment as reinforced boots, safety helmets, ear protectors and a mesh to protect their faces.

    The Swedish rules also include a coercion to use fences and safety barriers on all construction work above ground level.

    The test certificates for three diggers and one dumper have also run out. We must now bring them to a test station so we can put them into service again.

    //Alexander Anvedahl

  17. Camilla Olsson8 April 2010 at 14:17

    Sweden has strict health and safety rules to prevent accidents at the workplace, which we at the moment do not follow. Consequently we must change our routines to be able to open the Exhibition Centre in Kalmar.

    Firstly work boots, with reinforced soles and toe caps must be used by the workers, to make it as safe as possible for the employees. Safety helmets are compulsory, and the Health and Safety Executive recommended us to use helmets with ear protectors and a mesh to cover the face.

    Furthermore, valid certificates are required for the machines, which mean that we have to renew the certificates for three diggers and a dumper.

  18. Marie Gunnarsson9 April 2010 at 01:24

    Dear all,

    The company must set up general policies regarding health and safety regulations in order to prevent accidents and to provide healthy working conditions. Before the employees begin their work they must set up proper equipment gear such as fences and safety barriers to protect themself and others from injuries. The employees need to get proper working clothes such as working boots with reinforced soles and toecaps, safety helmet and ear protectors. All technical equipment must be tested and calibrated before we continue to use them. Proper clothes and equipment must also be available and provided to visitors.

  19. Fanny Brisegård10 April 2010 at 00:32

    Due to Swedish rules and regulations, there are some important matters due to safety that we have to take under consideration to be allowed to continue the work with the exhibition centre in Kalmar, Sweden:

    Firstly, to prevent injuries, work boots with reinforced soles and toecaps and approved safety helmets is compulsory for the workers. Ear protectors to protect the hearing are also preferable.

    Fences and safety barriers to prevent accidents is of high importance and has to be implemented in the factory.

    Finally, we have been obliged to not use the machinery until we have had them tested by an authorized mechanics and made sure that their certificates are up to date.

  20. In Sweden all employers have to follow working environment law which is a collection of rules and regulations that have to be followed to avoid work-related accidents and health problems. Negligence can lead to withdrawal of your business permit in Sweden.

    When it comes to the employee’s equipment, everyone on the construction site have to have proper boots with reinforced soles and toecaps and authorized safety helmets.

    Fences and safety barriers need to be built up as soon as the construction work is being done above ground level. What is more, all machines are obliged to have valid certificates and should be checked by authorized mechanics on regular bases.

  21. Maria Svedenhov10 April 2010 at 08:12

    After an inspection at the exhibition center in Kalmar held by the Swedish Health and Safety Executive, several safety issues were found that must be corrected in order to follow Swedish regulations. Failure to implement these changes will result in a closing of the site and hence delay the completion of our new exhibition centre.

    First, the certificates of some of the diggers and dumper trucks have expired and the vehicles need service before they can be taken in use again. Another concern is the footwear which today is not sufficient to protect our workers from falling objects or nails on the ground and we are therefore advised to use work boots with reinforced soles and toecaps. It is also mandatory for the workers to use safety helmets with built-in ear muffs and a mesh to cover the face and from long-term effects. There are also strict regulations about fences and safety barriers around the area and to prevent accidents, these things have to be reviewed.

  22. Johanna Samuelsson11 April 2010 at 00:59

    Dear Mr Xi Wang,

    After the Swedish Health and Security Executive visited the Chinese contractors involved in the construction of the Exhibition Centre in Kalmar, they found out that the contractors are working under unacceptable conditions. To avoid the Swedish authorities from closing the sight, there are some major points that have to be followed strictly when working under Swedish regulations and laws;

    The contractors need to wear proper work boats with reinforced soles and toecaps, instead if sneakers, to protect their feet when lifting heavy materials such as cement and bricks.

    In order to protect the contractors’ heads, ears and faces they have to wear safety helmets with built in ear muffs and a much to cover their face, otherwise they will be denied admittance to the sight.

    At last, you need to make sure that there are safety fences and barriers everywhere where the contractors start to build above ground level in case they fall down as well as making sure to check your machines by authorized mechanics on a regular basis.

    Yours sincerely,
    Johanna Samuelsson

  23. In Sweden there are strict rules and regulations that are designed to control the work place, these are designed with the workers protection in mind and have to be followed. It is necessary to follow these regulations or our office will be forced to close the construction; some recommendations from the Health and Safety Inspector are as follows.

    Workers are required to wear proper footwear, work boots with reinforced soles and toecaps, in order to protect them from falling items and from nails on the ground.

    Hardhats must be worn at all time on the construction site by everyone that visits the site and by the workers. It is recommended that these hard hats are equipped with ear protection and face mesh to protect the ears and the face of the employees.

    Gabriel Sawhney

  24. Johanna Samuelsson11 April 2010 at 01:08

    Dear Mr Xi Wang,

    After the Swedish Health and Security Executive visited the Chinese contractors involved in the construction of the Exhibition Centre in Kalmar, they found out that the contractors are working under unacceptable conditions. To avoid the Swedish authorities from closing the sight, there are some major points that have to be followed strictly when working under Swedish regulations and laws;

    The contractors need to wear proper work boats with reinforced soles and toecaps, instead if sneakers, to protect their feet when lifting heavy materials such as cement and bricks.

    In order to protect the contractors’ heads, ears and faces they have to wear safety helmets with built in ear muffs and a much to cover their face, otherwise they will be denied admittance to the sight.

    At last, you need to make sure that there are safety fences and barriers everywhere where the contractors start to build above ground level in case they fall down as well as making sure to check your machines by authorized mechanics on a regular basis.

    Yours sincerely,
    Johanna Samuelsson

  25. In Sweden there are many rules and regulations that are designed for the safety and protection of the workers. These rules need to be followed or we will be forced to shut down your construction site until compliance withe the regulations is met. Some problem areas that the Health and Safety Inspector noticed during his visit to your construction site are as follows and need to be addressed immediately. The workers need to have proper protection for the site, this includes footwear that has reinforced soles and toecaps. Another problem area is that workers did not have hardhats on, hardhats are necessary for all people on the construction site not only workers.
    Gabriel Sawhney

  26. In Sweden we have regulations that have to be followed when building a center and first of all, the workers have to wear appropriate working boots with reinforced soles and toecaps.

    All the people on the working site are obligated to use an approved safety helmet to prevent that the workers are seriously injured in an accident.

    We recommend you to provide your workers with ear protection and a mesh to cover their faces.

    When building above ground level there have to be fences and safety barriers of the proper heights, due to the safety of the workers.

    The machine equipment that is being used should be tested by an authorised mechanic to make sure that they are working properly and they must have valid certificates.

  27. Rogier Koops

    Due to safety regulations in Sweden, changes in working conditions need to be pursued in order to be able to continue our projects in Sweden. Wearing proper working boots compulsory is one requirements concluded during inspection performed by a safety regulations officer. Other regulations such as wearing hardhats approved by Swedish law is compulsory when entering the site. Working above ground level require some extra precautionary measures, safety fencing on a proper level is needed to prevent people from injuring themselves. Certificates of some equipment has expired, regulations in Sweden forces us to stop working with those equipments thanks to the kindness of the safety inspector a solutions for regaining those certificates was proposed to us.

  28. Patrycja Krencisz11 April 2010 at 04:02

    According to the Health and Safety Executive Office in Sweden, there are strict rules that must be obeyed by the building companies.
    Firstly, due to the safety regulations, wearing trainers during the working time is absolutely forbidden; instead, workers must be equipped with suitable boots, with reinforced soles and toecaps.
    While we must admit that the noise level at the building site is normal, the helmets with ear protector should still be worn by the employees.
    Moreover, during the inspection, there were found three diggers and a dumper truck with invalid certification, so using them is prohibited as long as they are not tested.
    The test station is situated on the nearby street, which gives you a possibility to arrange an emergency appointment within a couple of days.

  29. Karin Göranson11 April 2010 at 05:45

    Dear Mr Xi Wang,

    According the Swedish laws and legislation, there are several rules that must be followed at all times at a construction site they are as mentioned below.

    A safety helmet or hat that has been legally approved to meet the regulations of the government must be worn by all staff on the site. This also includes any visitors who are to enter the site. If the noisy level is high the helmets should be equipped with ear plugs to protect the workers hearing.
    If the helmet is not worn one can be fined or denied entrance to the construction site.

    All workers must wear boots with thick soles and toecaps while at the construction site. Sneaker is not allowed on the construction site due to the risks.

    If the construction site is above ground there are building laws in Sweden which require fences and safety barriers prior to anyone breaking ground on the construction site.

    Authorized mechanics are to do a proper inspection of the machines and equipment that are to be used at the construction site, this to make sure that they are functioning properly.

    Yours Sincerely
    Karin Göranson

  30. Ulrika Troborg

    1. All employees should carry safeguarded working shoes.
    2. Strictly prohibiting on entering the building area without an approved safety helmet.
    3. Further the safety helmets need to be upgraded; they should have ear protectors and a face mask.
    4. Secure safe working conditions by means of fences and safety barriers for all building activities above ground level.
    5. An inventory must proceed on the vehicle stock, update certifications and execution by an authorized mechanic

  31. According to Swedish work law, everyone on a building site is required to wear an approved hard hat and anyone who fails to follow this regulation should be prohibited from visiting the site.

    Due to the heavy materials that the builders are handling, they should be provided with appropriate work boots that have reinforced soles and toecaps for protection.

    In order to secure the workers' hearing, ear protectors should be worn, preferably helmets with ear muffs as well as mesh to protect their faces.

    Swedish law requires that fences and barriers of proper height are in place when building above ground level in order to prevent people from falling and hurting themselves.

    All vehicles and machines used on a building site are required to have valid test certificates and unless this documentation can be provided, the vehicles have to be removed from the site.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Linnea Hammarström

    It is compulsory for all workers and visitors to wear hardhats or other approved safety helmets while being at the construction site.

    Helmets with built-in earmuffs and meshes would provide a better protection from both noise and injuries.

    Fences and barriers must be put out everywhere when building above ground level, this is a very strict rule that must be followed accordingly.

    Shoes must be replaced by proper work boots with reinforced soles and toecaps to prevent accidents.

    Machines must be retested since their test certificates have run out, these machines can not be used until new certificates are given.

  34. Dear Sir,

    Health and Safety Executive inspectors found some problems that had to be kept on working condition here in Sweden so we inform you that if the problems aren’t going to be sorted out as soon as possible we don’t have any choice except that we have to close you down.
    First of all, proper work boots that reinforced soles and toecaps are needed to prevent any accident by heavy materials.
    Secondly, approved hardhats are also compulsory, which is more suitable to get hardhats added ear-muffs and a mesh to cover the face and protect workers from noisy as well, otherwise, individual ear-muffs and meshes are necessary surely.
    Thirdly, fence and safety have to be set everywhere you start building above ground because people can hurt themselves even if they only fall a few metres.
    Finally, three diggers and a dumper truck that are founded in working place are needed to test certificates before using it officially, which means that it has to be stopped using right now until it is checked by an authorized mechanic that is including emergency appointment.

    Yours Faithfully,

  35. Dear Sir,

    Recently the Swedish Health and Safety department visited the exhibition centre in Kalmar, Sweden. We were then informed that due to Swedish rules and regulations, several safety issues is requested to be corrected at the workplace. If action is not taken to insure safety for the employees, Swedish authorities will close down the site. The recommendation on improvements follows below:

    All employees entering the construction site are requested to wear an approved safety helmet.

  36. Isabelle Johansson11 April 2010 at 12:32

    Dear Sir

    Regarding the visit from the Health and Safety Exerctive we have been requested according to Swedish law, to immediately follow up the safety rules and conditions on the construction site. If we do not follow these regulations the company may force to close down.

    Everyone on the site needs to wear approved safety helmets, we have been advised to provide the ones with earmuffs and mesh to protect ears and eyes. All workers also needs to wear appropriate work boots with reinforced soles and toecaps.

    There is very strict rules about fences and safety barriers here, they are required for all construction work performed above ground level.

    Also, authorised mechanic have to test all the machine equipment that is using to make sure that they working properly and have valid certificates.

    Yours sincerly

    Isabelle Johansson

  37. This report contains information about some rules which need to be followed according to the Swedish regulations, or our company will be obliged to disrupt its activity.

    Having to work with heavy construction materials, the use of appropriate boots with reinforced soles and toecaps is of crucial importance in order to prevent any human accidents from happening.

    Secondly, approved safety helmets are compulsory for all the people working at the site while the entrance will be strictly forbidden to those who do not follow this rule.

    Despite the fact that the noise levels are among the allowed levels, the safety helmets have to be equipped with built-in ear muffs and a mesh to cover the face of the workers.

    Lastly, the use of the diggers and dumper trucks has been suspended since they need to be tested immediately in order to have their certificates renewed.

  38. According to Swedish regulations, there are rules dealing with the working conditions that have to be followed on the building site. The Health and Safety Executive was not pleased with the working conditions and we now have to face the consequences.

    To assure the safety of the workers, the workers have to wear proper working clothes, this includes proper working boots with reinforced soles and toecaps, safety helmets and though the noise level is normal they need to wear ear muffs.

    The regulations also indicate that there are strict rules about fences and safety barriers when building above ground level.

    The rules are there for the workers safety and if they are not followed accurate the Health and Safety Executive will close down the building site.

  39. Filip Svensson

    Concerning the level of noise created by construction, one improvement regarding the health of the workers could be helmets equipped with ear-muffs and visors.

    Noone is to be allowed on the construction site unless safety regulated hardhats can be provided, since they are part of the obligatory workwear.

    Presently, the shoes worn by the work crew are unfit for this line of work, and to avoid injuries or accidents it is required that they wear suitable boots with reinforced soles and toecaps.

    Construction above ground level include a certain amount of risk, therefore in order to minimize the risk of falls or other incidents you must set up fences and safety barriers approved by safety regulations.

    Furthermore, vehicles without approved certificates cannot be allowed until properly tested at the station and by an authorized mechanic.

  40. ...


    • To avoid foot injuries caused e.g. by nails or dropped items, everyone entering the building site should be equipped with work boots with reinforced soles and toecaps.

    • Hardhats are compulsory equipment on any building site in Sweden and should thus be worn at all times by anyone at the building site.

    • As the noise at the building site sometimes reaches harmful levels, all workers should wear ear protectors.

    • Fences and safety barriers of proper height should be raised for all work above ground level to avoid fall injuries.

    • The test certificates for the three diggers and the dumper truck on the building site would need to be renewed before the vehicles are allowed back into operations.


  41. Working condition report

    Dear Sir,

    In Sweden there are certain rules that have to be followed when you are working on a work site. I have just received a few remarks from your work site here.

    Due to all the nails that are being dropped and thrown away there are a big risk for the workers to end up stepping on them when they are wearing trainers. Also there are many sharp angles so the workers need to wear working boots with reinforced soles and toecaps.

    In Sweden there is a law that everyone who enter the work site need to wear approved hardhats, preferably with built in ear muffs and a mesh to cover their faces.

    Fences and barriers are required at the work site at all time when building above ground. This is to prevent anyone from falling down and hurt themselves.

    During the inspection we found out that three of the diggers and one dumper truck have expired test certifications. The machines will be re-tested at a test station by authorized mechanic before being put into use again.

    When all of these remarks have been handled and replaced the building of the exhibition center may continue.

  42. Anna K Magnusson11 April 2010 at 14:41

    1. You must ensure that your employees use appropriate footwear.

    2. You must ensure that everyone working at, or visiting the building site, wears an approved safety helmet.

    3. We have strict rules regarding fences and security barriers, for all building activities above ground level.

    4. Since the noise on the building site is high, all your employees should wear ear protectors.

    If you do not respect our safety rules, we will be forced to close down the building site.

  43. Peter Sunnåker11 April 2010 at 14:50

    The Health and Safety Inspector pointed out some issues at the work site which could lead to it being closed down if

    the issues are not corrected according to the work enviroment rules and regulations.

    Workers have to wear boots with reinforced soles and toecaps since there are many sharp and heavy materials around the work site.

    Due to the risk of falling objects it is compulsory to wear an approved safety helmet while attending the site.

    When building above ground level there has to be fences and safety barriers around the structure to prevent anyone from falling down.

    Several machines at the work site have expired test certificates as well as leaks in the hydralic systems which has to be adjusted before they can be put back into service.

  44. With reference to the visit from Health and Safety Executive, I would like to advise you to do a series of recommendations:
    - Work boots, with reinforced soles and toecaps, will have to be used during the execution of the works throughout the workspace.
    - Hardhats are obligatory to wear on. They will have to fulfill the safety regulation. Non-use will not be allowed the entry to the workspace.
    - Ear protectors and safety goggles are recommended for working hours.
    - Machinery, wich is used during the works, will have to be checked by authorized organization.
    - Non-compliance with the rules on health and safety will lead to the suspension and closure of the workspace.


    Further to the problems outlined in the findings of this report, five recommendations are outlined below:

    •In order to prevent workers injuring their feet due to wearing trainers at work, proper work boots must be worn at all times. Furthermore, boots should be with reinforced soles and toecaps, in order to protect workers from heavy objects falling on their feet.

    •Approved safety helmets must be worn at all times by workers, in order to protect them against any possible accidents.

    •Due to high level of noise at the site, workers should wear ear protectors. I recommend that helmets with built-in ear muffs and a mesh to cover the face should be provided to all workers.

    •As a result of expired test certificates on some of the diggers and dump trucks, we must suspend usage of these for the safety reasons, until they have been tested by qualified and approved mechanics.

    •Fences and safety barriers of the proper height must be placed at all places where building above ground level is taking place.

  46. Dear Sir,

    It has come to our attention by the Health and Safety Executive that your work construction in Kalmar is not holding Swedish standards regarding legislation.

    Many of your workers use trainers but they have to use proper work boots that can hold against heavy drops and sharp objects. Your workers are also obliged according to the law to use hardhats and preferably also ear muffs for protection against the noise. There are also other things you need to improve to reach sufficient legislation levels, for example improved barriers and fences and valid certificates for the vehicles.

    Check further in the Standards of Working Conditions about Swedish legislation and working conditions what you need to improve, if you do not follow the guidelines we will have to close the construction site down.

    Yours Faithfully,
    Oscar Wissinger

  47. Dear Sir,

    We have a problem because there are some different rules and regulation in Sweden compare to China, and if we not succeed to making necessary changes, the Health and Safety Inspector will have our building site closed down.

    There are some problems in the environment in the building site that has been pointed out from the Health and Safety Inspector and because of that, all the workers need new work boots with reinforced soles and toecaps to prevent foot injuries on the building site.

    The workers on the building site also need new approved safety helmets to minimize the risk for injuries.

    The Health and Safety Inspector also pointed out that there was a problem about the noise level on the building site and we have been advised to get helmets with built-in ear muffs to solve the problem out.

    In Sweden we also have strict rules about fences and safety barriers and thereby we need to be sure that those fences and barriers that we build above ground level must be correct installed at a proper height to resist injuries.

    Yours Faithfully,
    Andreas Politis

  48. Malwina Malecka

    First of all, the Chinese company should commence to abide by the Swedish Health and Safety rules, which have been adapted on the construction site in order to avoid serious accidents consequences.

    Therefore, to prevent foot injuries due to specific working conditions, where heavy objects are carried and sharp tools are occured on the floor, workers should wear proper boots.

    Consequently, wearing an approved safety helmet must be observed, so that a worker without a hardhat will not obtain permission to enter the construction site.

    As a result, also the noise level consequences can be reduced by providing special helmets that have built-in ear muffs and a mesh to cover the face.

    Finally, according to strict Swedish rules, fences and safety barriers of the proper height must be provided while building above ground level is being led.

  49. Amelie Hedenstierna13 April 2010 at 02:29

    After a health and safety inspection by the Swedish authorities was being conducted at our construction site, we are informed that following safety actions need to be taken:
    1. Safeguarded working shoes and safety helmets with built-in ear muffs and a face-covering mesh must be used by all workers.
    2. Safety helmets must also be worn by all visitors of the plant.
    3. In order to prevent fall accidents, fences and safety barriers must be in place where there is construction work above ground level.
    4. Regularly inspections of the construction machinery must be realized to receive valid test certificates.

    /Amelie Hedenstierna

  50. Maria Mjälgård13 April 2010 at 11:40

    Dear Sir

    Apparently, the Swedish laws about working environment are different to the Chinese’s, but certainly, they need to be followed, as we are building in Swedish territory.

    Firstly, they attach great importance of having proper work clothes, which means boots with protecting toecaps and safety helmets.

    Secondly the sound level was found too high for not wearing ear protectors.

    Safety barriers for the contractors are another scarcity of the building that was criticized by the health and safety inspectors.

    Finally a couple of the motor vehicles need to be checked by an authorized mechanic as the certificates seem to be invalid.

    Maria Mjälgård

  51. Maria Mjälgård13 April 2010 at 11:45

    Dear Sir,
    Apparently, the Swedish laws about working environment are different to the Chinese’s, but certainly, they need to be followed, as we are building in Swedish territory.

    Firstly, they attach great importance of having proper work clothes, which means boots with protecting toecaps and safety helmets.

    Secondly the sound level was found too high for not wearing ear protectors.

    Safety barriers for the contractors are another scarcity of the building that was criticized by the health and safety inspectors.

    Finally a couple of the motor vehicles need to be checked by an authorized mechanic as the certificates seem to be invalid.
    Maria Mjälgård

  52. Dear sir,

    The Swedish and Chinese working conditions sometimes differs from each other and according to the Swedish regulation there are certain rules you have to follow in order to keep the construction site as safe as possible.
    To begin with, trainers are not appropriate footwear on a building site, to prevent people from getting hurt for stepping on nails or dropping heavy things on their feet, you need to buy work boots with reinforced soles and toecaps.
    One thing that is not that urgent but still worth looking further into is the noise level, it is not reaching crucial levels at the moment but it would be a good investment to buy ear protectors or helmets that have built-in ear muffs.
    Another thing that you have to take care of is the lack of fences and safety barriers, even though the workers not are working far from ground level, safety barriers or fences of some kind have to be installed.
    Furthermore, you have to look into the certificates for the dumpers and diggers, it seems like they have run out and you will not be able to use them until it has been taken care of by an authorized mechanic.

    Yours Faithfully,
    Johan Lewton

  53. Katarina Ogunnaike

    "Look, I don't know much about conditions in China, but here in Sweden we've got rules and regs you have to follow. If you don't get these problems sorted out, we'll have to close you down.

    Dear Construction Manager

    After our appointed inspection of the working conditions on the building site we found several deficiencies that you need to attend to at once. Therefore we want to clarify that China current regulations are not applicable here. For that reason the Exhibition Centre is within Swedish border you need to follow Swedish regulations.
    Consequently we recommend you as soon as possible take action in these problems. If you not bother about it we will be forced to bring to a stand still of the building site.

    "Hardhats aren't optional workwear here - they're compulsory. You mustn't let anyone on the site at all unless they're wearing an approved safety helmet.

    There are certain obligatory protective clothing and equipment that everyone has to ware within the construction area, even the visitors. The helmets have to be approved safety helmet for such as things.

  54. The Health and Safety Inspectors´ examination showed that the following rules and regulations have to be followed to prevent closed down of the construction:

    All the workers have to wear proper reinforced work boots to prevent accidents.

    Approved safety helmets are compulsory for all workers within the construction area.

    Due to high noises in the area, it is recommended to wear ear protectors such as helmets with built in ear muffs.

    Fences and safety barriers are required for construction above ground level, to prevent falling accidents.

    The machinery used in the plant must have valid test certificates.

  55. In order to ensure safe and appropriate work conditions, it is compulsory in Sweden to comply with the health and safety rules at the workplace. Thus, all the employees are obliged to stick strictly to the following rules:
    Firstly workers are obliged to wear proper work boots with reinforced soles and toecaps. Wearing trainers at the work place is definitely forbidden.
    Then worker’s head must be protected by an approved safety helmet. Walking on the building site without head’s protection is prohibited.
    Subsequently, workers must protect their ears and face by using special helmets which have built-in ear muffs and a mesh to cover the face.
    The building site must be safeguarded by fences and safety barriers of the proper height. This kind of protection must be used everywhere you start building above ground level.
    Make sure that all the trucks used on the building site are serviced by an authorized mechanics. It is not permissible to work on vehicles whose tests certificates have run out.
    The rules are compulsory for all the employees. If any of the above rules are disobeyed this may result in sanctions imposed on the worker including job dismissal.

  56. Dorota Kosciolek20 April 2010 at 09:23

    According to The Health and Safety Executive ruling in Sweden the procedures need to be followed, otherwise we will be forced to interrupt the construction.
    First of all, the personal protective equipment is not relevant to our regulations where trainers are strictly forbidden due to improper foot protection and for that reason workers are require to wear safety shoes with reinforced soles and toecaps.
    Safety helmets must be worn on the building site at all times by every single person entering the construction area.
    Due to high noise level on the building site, all employees must wear hearing protectors such as helmets equipped with ear muffs and a mesh to cover the face.
    Moreover, safety barriers and fences of proper height should be raised immediately when you start building above ground level.

  57. Patrycja Biernat

    Regarding to The Health and Safety Executive in Sweden the valid regulations have to be followed by your company, because otherwise we will be forced to stop the building.
    Our inspection revealed that employees wear trainers during the work among the heavy materials what is inadmissible, that is why workers need to be equipped with boots, with reinforced soles and toecaps.
    We also noticed that your company has to provide helmets for workers because the working on the building site is forbidden without proper head protective cover.
    Moreover, the noise level on the area requires to use by employess ear protectors such as helmets that have built-in ear muffs and a mesh to cover the face.
    Our regulations also include requirements releted to fences and safety barriers what means that you need to make sure of the proper height before you start building above ground level.
    Furthermore, three diggers and a dumper truck have invalid certification, so you need to stop use their until they have been tested.

  58. DONGHOON PARK2 May 2010 at 05:15

    Dear. Sir.

    In Sweden there is a law which concerned with ways to be able to cope with accidents and ill health for employees at work.
    So, Hope your company also must be followed the following rules and regulations.

    1.Work boots with reinforced soles and toecaps should be worn by all workers in the constructions site.
    2.An approved safety helmet and ear protectors must be worn by all staff and visitors on the construction site in order to protect from some dangerous tools such as board, bricks and sacks of cement as well as noisy. Especially it is good for you to use helmets that have built in ear muffs and a mesh to cover the face.
    3.Fences and safety barriers of adequate height are required for all construction work performed above ground level.
    4.Valid test certificates must be issued to all construction machinery before they are taken into use.

    Yours sincerely, DONGHOON PARK

  59. Caroline Nilsson5 May 2010 at 05:49

    Dear Sir,
    In Sweden we´ve strict regulations when it comes to work and safety conditions.

    The constructor workers need proper work wear, such as boots with reinforced soles and toecaps and compulsory hardhats.

    The workers need ear protectors and face cover, e.g. helmets with built in earmuffs and mesh to cover the face.

    Above ground level you need safety barriers and put up fences to secure that the workers won’t fall to the ground.

    The plant you’re using need to be tested by an authorized mechanic, since it looks like there are leaks in the hydraulic system.
    Best regards
